Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Sister in our Relief Society!

We would like to welcome Katie Wood and her family to our ward! They moved here from the Los Angeles area about 1 month ago. Her husband has the coolest job ever-as he is a Lego builder for Legoland! He landed the job through a contest that he became a finalist in. They have a son named Carter, who is enjoying the nursery. She works two days a week back up in Los Angeles as a paralegal, and grandma, who also lives up there gets to babysit! She likes to scrapbook--yea! We are so glad to have them join our ward family and know Katie will be a great asset to our Relief Society!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Latter Day Prophet Quiz!

See how well you score!!!

1. Who served as President of the Church the longest?
2. Who served as President of the Church the shortest amount of time?
3. Which President of the Church also served as Secretary of Agriculture in the Eisenhower Administration?
4. Which President of the Church was a convert to the Church while he was living in Canada?
5. Which President of the Church started the Welfare Plan?
6. Which President of the Church ended polygamy?
7. Which President of the Church was in Carthage when Joseph and Hyrum were killed?
8. Which President of the Church saw Christ in the Salt Lake Temple?
9. Other than Brigham Young and Joseph Smith, which President of the Church has a revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants?
10. Which President of the Church met with President Truman and offered to send supplies to Europe after World War II?
11. Who said, “Lengthen your stride.”
12. Who was the oldest when he became president of the Church?
13. Other than Joseph Smith, who was the youngest when he became president?
14. Who said every member should be temple worthy?
15. Who said, “Every member a missionary”?
16. Which President of the Church served a four-year long mission in Hawaii , beginning when he was fifteen years old?
17. Who was President of the church when the Hawaiian Temple was dedicated?
18. Which President of the Church dedicated the Church College of Hawaii (now BYU-Hawaii)
19. Which President of the Church sang “A Pore Wayfaring Man of Grief” in the Carthage jail?
20. Which President of the Church ordained one of his sons an apostle?
21. Who was the first president to receive a college education?
22. Which prophet had the most accidents?
23. Which prophet had a wanted poster out for him?
24. Which prophet did away with polygamy?
25. Which prophet also had a son become a prophet?
26. Which prophet married a woman 12 years older than him?
27. Which prophet didn’t marry until he was 33 years old?
28. Which prophet was the first NOT to practice polygamy?
29. Which prophets first wife divorced him?
30. Who started the first Family Home Evening?
31. Who had an operation on his vocal cords because of cancer?
32. Who started the welfare program?
33. Who was the prophet when blacks received the priesthood?
34. Which prophet had brain surgery?
35. Which prophet emphasized the importance of reading the Book of Mormon?
36. Which prophet started the Indian placement program?
37. Which prophet died in exile in Kaysville, Utah?
38. Which prophet instigated tithing?
39. Which prophet was known as the President of “Love”?
40. Which prophet was tone deaf?
41. Which prophet started the Boy Scout program?
42. Which prophet drowned but was revived?
43. Which prophet was expelled from school for whipping a teacher?
44. Which prophet was unable to serve a mission because he had to support his family because his father died?
45. Who was the prophet when WWII ended?
46. Which prophet had three wives but never practiced polygamy?
47. Which prophet could speak the Hawaiian language?
48. Which prophet served an 11 month prison term for plural marriage?
49. Which prophet drove an ox team from Nauvoo to Salt Lake when he was 8?
50. Who was Valedictorian of his class from University of Utah?
51. Which prophet saw the most temples dedicated?
52. Which prophets father was killed in Carthage Jail?


1. Brigham Young (31 Years)
2. Howard W. Hunter (6 months)
3. Ezra Taft Benson
4. John Taylor
5. Heber J. Grant
6. Wilford Woodruff
7. John Taylor
8. Lorenzo Snow
9. Joseph F. Smith
10. George Albert Smith
11. Spencer Kimball
12. Joseph Fielding Smith (92)
13. Brigham Young (36)
14. Howard W. Hunter
15. David O. McKay
16. Joseph F. Smith
17. Joseph F. Smith
18. David O. Mckay
19. John Taylor
20. Brigham Young (Brigham Young, Jr.)
21. Lorenzo Snow
22. Wilford Woodruff
23. John Taylor
24. Wilford Woodruff
25. Joseph F Smith
26. John Taylor
27. Lorenzo Snow
28. Heber J. Grant
29. Joseph F. Smith
30. David O. McKay
31. Spencer W. Kimball
32. Harold B. Lee
33. Spencer W. Kimball
34. Spencer W. Kimball
35. Ezra Taft Benson
36. Spencer W. Kimball
37. John Taylor
38. Lorenzo Snow
39. George Albert Smith
40. Heber J. Grant
41. George Albert Smith
42. Lorenzo Snow
43. Joseph F. Smith
44. Heber J. Grant
45. George Albert Smith
46. Joseph Fielding Smith
47. Joseph F. Smith
48. Lorenzo Snow
49. Joseph F. Smith
50. David O. McKay
51. Gordon B. Hinckley
52. Joseph F. Smith


Wow!! It's been awhile since we've blogged...must mean that we've been B-U-S-Y!!! Can't even remember everything we've done...just know its been a blur of activity & its picked up speed since summer began!!

Summer means family vacations, weddings & lots of fun, fun, fun!!

Hoori Poukshirazi entered the waters of baptism on Saturday, July 9th, 2010...and was confirmed Sunday, July 11, 2010...please take some time to extend a hand of fellowship to her...she has an amazing spirit and we are so excited to have her join us in Relief Society!!

Congratulations to Emilio Torres who was just married to Delia Trujillo on Saturday, July 10, 2010!! They are a beautiful young couple...and we wish them every happiness!!

We know many of you are on vacation right now...if you would like to share any pics of recent trips we'd be thrilled to add them to our blog!!

Upcoming activities: Ward "Picnic in the Park" Monday, July 12, 2010 at 5:00pm...catered BBQ dinner...Meet by the volleyball courts...bring your own chairs &/or a blanket...a few tables will be set up for those unable to sit on the ground...it promises to be an amazing night!!